SMK celebrates 30 Years of Meaning!

Photo illustrating the news item

SMK College of Applied Sciences, a private higher education institution established in Klaipėda in 1994, has opened branches in Vilnius and Kaunas over the years, and this year celebrates its 30th anniversary! SMK presents a visual campaign for the 30th anniversary, marked by a totem inviting change.

This totem symbolises the change that SMK continually invites people to embrace. The colour scheme of the campaign also reflects SMK’s identity, based on bright symbols and a clearly expressed position. This harmony of colours demonstrates the courage to act and speak!

SMK’s 30th anniversary will be marked this year by various events and artistic works that, through their nature, forms, and features, will reveal what SMK is – a space to create and be a creator.

Let’s celebrate together!

11 Jul 2024